Life With EFG

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Our Weekends

So what DO we do all weekend, since we’re not going anywhere?

We do try to get outside twice a day, but it’s been super cold, and there’s still a lot of snow, so the kids last less than 20 minutes usually. It still leaves a lot of minutes left.

So we bake. A lot. Banana bread and brownies and pretzels. Pregnant Caitlin certainly doesn’t mind having all that food to eat.

Endless art projects, playing with every toy in the house, jumping off anything they can climb up. Sometimes we have things that needs to be done, like haircuts or cleaning, but most of the time it’s just hanging out at home. We’re at the point where we’ve read every book we own so many times, that we desperately need new stories. I’ve been rotating books and toys in as often as I can to try and keep things interesting.

We’ve been ordering out more often, because at least that’s something else to look forward to (again, pregnant Caitlin does not mind). We also play with Abby and Cookie - G has even learned how to play fetch with Cookie, which is pretty cute.

Mostly we’re just killing time. Time until the snow melts, until we can get vaccinated, until this baby gets here. We have no obligations really, no place to be. I guess things could be worse.

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