Life With EFG

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Bird Watching

E’s favorite bird has always been a cardinal. Don’t tell him that you think it’s red, because he calls it the “orange bird.” Luckily we get a lot at our bird feeders, so he’s always happy.

I keep waiting for a goldfinch to show up, because obviously G would love that, but I’ve yet to see one at our house. Instead, we recently had some Chickadees show up. I was super excited, because I’d been mentioning to people that I thought it was weird we don’t see them AT ALL in Massachusetts. I mean, it is the state bird and all..

I used to see them all the time when I lived in Vermont, but here it’s all Cardinals, Blue Jays, Mourning Doves, and Nuthatches. And then… Chickadees! Suddenly they’re here, and they love our trees in the front yard. Of course there’s only one thing to do when you see a Chickadee, and that’s to mimic their call! I’ve done it enough that G has learned it, and now calls out to them every time he hears them. It’s as cute as you’d expect - “Chick-ah-dee-deee-deeeeeeee!” So while it’s no Goldfinch, it’s probably his favorite bird at this point.

Luckily E has also been teaching him how to fill the bird feeders lately, so they’ve got plenty of food to eat. I may have also taught them that when the birds tweet, they’re saying “Thank you E & G for my food!”

Okay I just did an entire post on birds - does that mean we’ve been stuck in this house for too long??

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