Life With EFG

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Spearsons!

Wishing you all a fairly peaceful day full of coffee, yummy food and lots of colorful packages. We’ll be doing our best to control the discarded wrappings and will try to play with every new toy at once and somehow still make sure the littlest Spearson gets a nap or two. We usually eat cinnamon buns for breakfast and order Chinese food for lunch. And otherwise try to stay home in our PJs all day. Maybe we’ll listen to some Christmas music, or watch Trash Truck’s Christmas special for the 8th time this week.

Every time E or G have talked to Santa or someone else about what they wanted for Christmas, they’ve answered “Candy” so hopefully they’ll be excited by what’s in their stockings and everything else they open is a bonus.

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