Life With EFG

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I Think Summer's Over

It could also be April right now, so I’m not completely sure, but I think summer is kind of over. As odd as it was for a summer, and as many things I feel like I missed out on, it still was pretty good?

We went to our favorite farm/petting zoo twice, which is probably about average for us. We spent a ton of time outside, and used our yard more than we ever have. We’re also closer to our neighbors than before, since everyone is home all the time, and we seem to catch each other for chats more often.

I honestly think the kids think this summer was awesome. Most days they went to bed exhausted with flushed cheeks and sweaty hair, covered in sunscreen. They had dirt under their fingernails and skinned knees, and I’ve done so much laundry - grass stains and ice cream stains and who knows what else.

It’s everything that summers are supposed to be. We spent time together as a family, and it actually was pretty great.

I’m still missing a lot, though. It rained the other day and all I wanted was to be able to wander around a mall or Target to kill some time before bed. We couldn’t do that, of course, so instead we drove in circles. It’s a new reality that I hope isn’t forever, but it’s not all bad.

Our window sill in the living room is full of plants we planted at the beginning of the summer. They’re all in various levels of dying because growing things is not one of my strong suits, but they’re there. We have an abundance of artwork, which means as soon as I can find the time, I need to head to the post office and send out some packages to spread the cheer.

Mentally, though, I’m struggling. I’m glad that the kids don’t seem to be, and I’m really thankful for all the good things we have, but things are still hard. I have a hard time focusing, I’m always tired, and making it through the day is about all I can do. Work is draining, housework is endless, and I wish I had the energy for extra projects, reading a book, or just anything else.

I’m a bit worried about what winter will look like when you take away our sunshine and ability to spend most days outside, but I’m sure we’ll keep surviving.

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