Life With EFG

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I'm Gonna Hug You and Kiss You and Love You FOREVER

Well… we did it again.

I actually said we wouldn’t this year, and I was okay with that. But then we walked by the place in the mall one day, and E saw the signs advertising the bunnies, and he ran up and hugged them, and told me he wanted to see them.

So we ended up with an appointment. As always, I had my predictions of what would happen, and was completely wrong. One day maybe I’ll get better at predicting how my children will react to situations. Or they’ll keep surprising me - I’m okay with being kept on my toes.

I really like these appointments, because I go in with no expectations. Since I’m not being photographed I’m not worried with what I look like, and I don’t spend as much time stressing over the outfits the tiny humans will be wearing. I don’t expect the photos to come out that great, so if they do I’m pleasantly surprised. I make decisions quick, and focus on the experience as much as I can. So maybe we should plan to do these every year…

Baby G wasn’t so sure about taking photos this year. Last year as a 3 month old, he was much more agreeable. This year? He was nervous, unsure about the photographer, and just overall over it. BUT he does love his brother, and was willing to have some fun with him.

And then the bunny came out. This adorable, little brown bunny. And suddenly one child was crying, didn’t want to be near it, and the other was cackling with joy and about to go all Elmyra Duff on that bunny. When G found out that we weren’t actually let him hug and squish and squeeze the bunny, he lied flat on the ground, face down, and had a moment of sadness. Getting all his feelings out. He recovered, though, and accepted the alternate of petting the bunny under our gentle guidance. And boy was he excited.

Overall they did great, we’ve been talking about that bunny nonstop since, and some of the pictures take my breath away they’re so amazing. So next year if they ask to take pictures with the bunnies again, I probably wont’ say no.

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