Life With EFG

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A Toddler Update

Let’s do a toddler update, shall we? Toddlers are a ball of distraction and energy, two things we could use right now. Also, does anyone know what comes after “toddler?” Since the baby is quickly claiming that title, I need a new stage for E. He tells me that he’s a big boy, and that I’m a super big boy, but I’m not sure that feels right… preschooler? Elder toddler?

E’s a little introvert who cares deeply for his family and friends. He recently told me that his friends make him happy in his belly. When baby G is crying, E likes to bring him a pacifier and give him a hug. He also likes to tell me “Baby likes me” which I’m pretty sure is true. He also requires lots of downtime (or space as he calls it) after big events and outings.

Lately his favorite things involve puzzles, cleaning, and art projects. He’s still into cooking and going outside, but they usually aren’t his first choices anymore. (Which could also change when the weather gets warmer, since the snow is definitely not his favorite). He loves to wear matching t shirts with us, which has me scouring for shirts that come in both adult and toddler sizes. When you see me walking around in cookie monster gear, at least you’ll know why.

E is one who wears his emotions on his sleeve, who’s temperament is effected by both sleep and the emotions of those around him. He’s sensitive to loud noises and unfamiliar situations, and will bury himself in our arms. He has good days, and days where he’s just sad.

He is as attached to me as ever. He does fine when I’m gone, but if I’m around, you better believe he’s attached to me. He wants my undivided attention at all times. He wants to do big projects together. He wants to be sitting on my lap, wants me to be singing to him, doing whatever he is doing. It’s both amazing and exhausting at the same time. I love our bond, and it’s been an amazing experience to be his favorite person in the entire world. It also makes me guilty that no one else in the family can get the attention that E demands, and I feel like giving him attention means neglecting others. It’s also tiring to not get a break, since when he’s sleeping I tend to make up time with G at this point. I know it’s a phase, and I know there will be a time where I miss this closeness.

This bond has also given me gifts I never expected. There was a time I didn’t sing. I don’t have a great voice; I’m not very good at it; there are people who are better than I am. There were plenty of excuses. For years I let myself believe that I didn’t like singing. Truth is, I didn’t like being judged or told how to sing. E has helped me to rediscover a love of singing. He wants me to sing with him, and to him, all the time. He sings the songs I make up, and he makes up his own to sing. And it makes my heart happy.

E has gotten to a point where he’s also telling stories or recapping situations he’s been in. It’s pretty peak toddler - and I’m enjoying it.

Everything that happened in the past, happened “yesterday” and the future is always “someday.”

He also gets stuck on new words that he learns, using them for everything. His most recent word is “dirty.” As in, I don’t want to go to bed, it’s dirty. Or if he’s angry with you, he’ll tell you to go away and tell you that you’re dirty. We were driving home from from daycare recently and he asked me where Tom was, and I told him he was working in the city, which didn’t make him happy.
”No like Dah! He dirty!” he told me.
”Oh does he need a shower?”
”Yes! Oh! Memaw pepaw need a shower!” We hadn’t been talking about my parents so I have no idea where this idea came from, but I told him I’d be sure to pass along to them that he thought they needed to take a shower haha. Then I asked if I needed a shower and he said “No mama, no E, no baby. Baby, E take bath! No take shower.”

As funny as his random dirty insults are, they’re also a little problematic. A teacher told me they’d asked for a hug one day and E responded “No! You’re dirty!” Whoops. I guess I should be glad that’s the worst word he knows to call someone…

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