Life With EFG

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Birthday Season

Sorry G, but we have entered the period of the year where most of our family birthdays occur! It starts of with my mom (and our cat!) and ends with E’s birthday almost 2 months later. In between there are sisters and aunts and friends, as well as both my and Tom’s birthdays.

All that to say, Happy Birthday (TODAY!) to Tom!

His gift is two more days of solo leave before heading back to work after this weekend, and a handmade cake from me. Which this year is actually a pie. I think we’ve both been craving key lime pie recently. Partly because we didn’t go to Florida this year where we usually eat at least one pie, and partly because we saw that Chick-fil-A has key lime milk shakes, but I wouldn’t let us try them because I refuse to give that awful company any money.

So instead I made one. Well a cheesecake version of one.

Sure, there have been years with bigger, fancier, more elaborate cakes. Those years also involved 100% fewer tiny humans running around. So we’ll celebrate how we can while actually planning an almost two year old’s upcoming birthday.

Happy Birthday, Tom. Here’s to both being 33 for the next month, and to this crazy year we have ahead of us.

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