Life With EFG

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Birthday Cakes

There’s not much I like more than baked goods. Let me rephrase, they must be good, quality baked goods. There’s nothing more disappointing than eh tasting baking. Not worth my time. But good cakes, cupcakes, muffins… so good.

Since it’s birthday season, I’m thinking back on Tom’s recent birthday cakes!

2014: Sprinkle cake! In my old apartment in Southie

2015: We were living in Cambridge and in the middle of a kitchen renovation, so I made a raspberry cake with no running water or counters.

2016: Newly married and living in Melrose while house hunting. I forget what flavor cupcakes they were, but I know I made them from scratch, and I think the frosting had fresh strawberries in them.

2017: In our new house! M&M cake with colored flames! (This was kind of a cop out cake - it might have been from a box. I was 8 months pregnant)

2018: The colorful cake! I dyed a bunch of the batter, so when you cut it open it was a rainbow inside. Also homemade blueberry frosting on the outside.

2019: Key lime cheesecake pie. It was easier than it sounds, mostly because we’ve got 2 under 2 and it was necessary, but oh so good.

You’ll have to ask Tom what his favorite was! (Usually he doesn’t have requests so I just bake whatever I’m feeling like and he eats it… haha)

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