Life With EFG

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The Not So Little Baby

Big developments in the baby department!!

Guys, little G has been busy. For starters, he has a tooth! We’re not really sure when it came, but it’s pretty recent, since it’s not all the way down. Looking at him, it’s the top right side of his mouth (not the middle teeth that everyone else but our children get first..). I think he’s the winner. I’ll have to go back and look at when I got my first teeth, but it was 10-11 months I think. And we all know that E was 14 months. Also, there is another one on the top left that is cutting through currently, and there are some spots on the bottom that look like they could become teeth soon.

But we’re a bit surprised we didn’t notice. It was a big deal with E, and he’d only eat soft food for a few days when his tooth came, but we’ve noticed no changes in G’s eating. He still eats everything, anything, all the things.

I think he heard me say that I’ve been considering him a smaller baby than he is lately. Not in size obviously – he’s still holding his own size-wise compared to E. In fact the other night E tried to push some blocks that G was at the other end of (a reverse tug of war of sorts) and E couldn’t move it. G was too heavy and strong, and would not yield.

But because G is always on his belly, and won’t sit no matter how many times you try to get him to (even though he’s perfectly capable), I think of him as more 6 months old than almost a year. But this weekend he decided to change that. In addition to the teeth we found (that sounds creepy), G went all out. He started standing up in his crib. Much to our disappointment because it led to less sleep as he got stuck that way one night. To the point that E was calling out from his room “Baby is crying!!” Of course when we go into his room to try and help him, he gets angry, rejects cuddles, and demands to be awake for at least an hour. So that happened as a result of the standing.

But the standing is here to stay. He’s pulling up on furniture, on us, on the play kitchen where he learned how to play with all the buttons and turn things on… and all of this standing has taught him how to get back down too. So now he’s become an expert at going from belly to standing to sitting to belly again. His range of movement has drastically increased, and as a result we’re seeing him interacting with things around him a lot more. We’re actually seeing him sit and play with toys, which hasn’t happened very often before this.

And then the biggest development – the stairs. Friday night he attempted a stair and got up one of them. Tom and I looked at each other with worried looks. Saturday he climbed half the staircase (with me following close behind in case he fell, or got tired halfway up, which did happen). Then on Sunday, he followed the kitty straight up the full staircase. We’re talking a non carpeted, slippery staircase. He climbed the entire thing by himself.

Bets on how long until he starts walking? Before or after his first birthday? IT’S COMING.

(My first tooth came 3 days before I turned 11 months. G beat me by 3 days!)

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