Life With EFG

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Slowing Down

It's so easy to get caught up in routines and responsibilities.  Head down, moving along until the next appointment or time you need to be doing something.  I forget, sometimes, to stop and look around.  To breathe and enjoy the fact that it's no longer winter.  To sit and be happy with nothing to do.  To get outside at lunch, instead of sitting at my desk because it's what I did yesterday. 

I tried to change that yesterday.  I forced myself on a long walk at lunch, venturing to parts of Boston I haven't been in over a year.  It's so sad, since it's one of my favorite spaces, and I work RIGHT THERE, but I've forgotten.  

I spent some time looking at the newly completed mural in Dewey Square, and found some other interesting art exhibits along the Greenway.  I even visited a new food truck to grab some lunch (mostly because Moyzilla was late in opening.. hmph).  I spent some time in the sun, wandering and just enjoying being outside.  Why don't I do this more often? 

I feel the same about our afternoons.  I had dreams to stop at a park on the way home from daycare.  To spend our evenings outside exploring.  But more often than not, I find myself rushing home so that I can feed E, and get him changed and into PJs, and through the rest of his bedtime routine.  It's the same thing, every night.  Rushing and routines...

Maybe some day I'll learn to slow down a bit more.  Maybe some day I'll be spontaneous.  Maybe some day E will be less demanding in wanting to be fed the minute we leave daycare... 

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