Life With EFG

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Where Does the Time Go?

Is time moving at warp speed lately?  I've always felt like summers go by quicker than winters, but given that we still have snow in the forecast and I'm already feeling like time is slipping between my fingers, I'm a bit worried. 

Take Easter for example.  {How/When/What!?!?}  Yeah, that pretty much describes how I feel about it.  It came out of nowhere and then blew past me super fast.  All of us being sick might have had something to do with it, or the fact that it was early this year, but WHERE DID EASTER GO!?  Ever the practical one, I just decided that it was still here and took E's Easter pictures last weekend.  Close enough, right?  I'm not sure he was on board with the idea, though.  Sure he humored me for a bit in the beginning, mostly because I was bribing him with puffs, but as soon as I tried to lie him on the ground he decided he was done.  Oh well. 

Also it seems like just when I'm getting used to telling people that E is ten months old, suddenly we're talking about his birthday happening NEXT MONTH?  I swear I had more time than this..

I want to stop, slow down, enjoy every second.. but it's not possible.  During the week there's just not time.  E's usually in a bad mood from not sleeping at school, so it's a constant battle to cheer him up, get him to eat something and then put him to bed.  Even though I have two hours with him each day, it feels like minutes, as I'm constantly running around, trying to get him to stop crying, and updating Tom on what's going on.  I barely have time to unpack his bag from the day and the bottles almost never make it further than the counter - to be dealt with later.  

I feel like I have so many things I want to do - trips to take, people to visit, outings to plan.. and none of them are happening!  I'm pretty sure things don't get easier as kids get older or more kids are added to the family, so I think I'm going to need to figure out how to use my time more carefully. 

I think this is where people start giving up sleep, but Tom will tell you that is not an option with me haha.  Two nights of E waking up in the middle of the night meant an 8pm bedtime for me for the rest of the week to make up for it. 

I don't have the answers yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out...

(Right?  RIGHT???)

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