Life With EFG

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We Survived!

I alluded to it in E's nine month update, but we recently went on a BIG TRIP!

Now this wasn't what I would have considered a big trip, pre-baby.  In fact it was a trip I've made many times with various people.  My parents go to Florida every year for spring training, and so I've visited them there multiple times.  With cousins, with best friends, with Tom...  Easy, quick trips. 

But in the post baby world, I consider an easy trip to be one in which we can drive and get there without stopping to feed the baby.  Ideally under 2 hours. Because let's be honest, sometimes a trip to Target isn't all that easy. 

So considering that this trip involved getting on a plane.  With a baby.  And figuring out how to pack all the things into tiny suitcases... this was officially a BIG TRIP. 

That I obsessed over for weeks (okay maybe months) before we went.  

Some things were easier than I planned for, some were not.  Some things went perfectly, some things we had to improvise, but overall... overall I think it went great!  It could be that the middle part was so much fun, and the weather was so warm and sunny that it made me black out all the packing and travel and blowouts in the airport, but it was all worth it.

We're home now, and spending some time recovering.  Vacations aren't quite as relaxing as they used to be!  So for now E is back to school, we're back to work, and everyone is slowly getting back to a schedule.  

Oh and the Maia kitty is super excited to have us home.  Almost as excited as E is to see her!

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