Life With EFG

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Then and Now

It's fun to wear new outfits in every set of pictures we take.  We certainly have enough fun clothes that it can be done.  But then you miss the gold that is comparing two pictures taken a period of time apart wearing the same outfit, and seeing how much has changed. 

The picture above was taken on June 15, and the picture below was taken on August 22.  Just over two months apart. It's funny, because I don't notice day to day how much he's grown.  He doesn't look THAT big to me.  And back then he didn't look that scrawny.  But looking at these pictures, wearing the same newborn onesie, it's obvious.  His arm didn't fill out the sleeve, he had no belly, and he wasn't as long as the onesie. He has cheeks now, his face has filled out, and he has chubby little wrists. 

I actually had to retire this onesie the other day because his belly was stretching it out so much and it was bursting around his diaper.  And then I remembered that one day not too long ago, it wasn't that big. 

He maybe doesn't look as small in the picture above (taken July 5), especially compared to the one below, which was taken August 15.  Only about a month's difference, but what's noticeable to me is the personality change.  In the first picture, he's a bit shocked, a bit startled, a bit unsure about this world.  He spent a while being like this.  Wide eyed, taking in all in.

In the picture below, this is how he is these days.  Comfortable here, more sure of himself, letting his goofy personality shine.  And yes there are other differences, he has eyebrows now, his face is more rounded and filled out, and the bears on his shirt are a bit more stretched out now.   But the personality is the biggest change. 

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