Life With EFG

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Let's Go Red Sox

Because it's been a while since we've been outside of the house past 6pm.  Because we don't get many "just for fun" outings any more.   Because we need to learn how to do this.  Because when Northeastern has Red Sox/Yankee tickets, you can't say no.  Because even though your son is only two and a half months old, he's two and a half months old and going to his first Red Sox game!  Against the Yankees!  Because we just gave him bragging rights for life.

And so we went.

The day actually started with a visit to Tom's office with E.  I think that's a requirement of maternity leave, right? Bring the cute baby into the office to meet coworkers?  Next time, though?  Let's try to skip the super fast elevator that goes really high and makes your ears pop.  Because tiny humans don't like it when their ears pop and may start of their visit to a super quiet floor by screaming.  Super fun.  But other that that, it went well.

And then off to Fenway we went.  With a baby.  Like people who know what they're doing and stuff.  One thing I should really mention - Fenway is SUPER baby friendly.  They have been working really hard lately to make it that way, and they really should get credit.  They have stroller checks and nursing pods and family restrooms and areas for children and they're just AWESOME.

So in we went.  The last time we were at Fenway, we had just found out that baby E was on the way!  And now he's here and we went back.  We got Fenway Franks, and a new shirt for me, and walked around and took pictures.  It felt surreal.  It was late.  We should be in bed!  I wore E mostly, and he sucked on his knuckle while looking around wide eyed.  None of us were really sure what to do.  Going to our seats didn't seem like the best idea since they happened to be in the middle of a row.  So we went up to the roof deck and hung out in the standing room section.  It was actually perfect because it was quiet and there was a lot of space, and a nice breeze. 

We didn't stay long - it was late after all, and it was sprinkling while threatening to downpour.  But we did it! 

And next time, maybe we'll have a bit more confidence.  And we'll do it again.  And stay a little bit longer.

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