Life With EFG

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Celebrating the 4th

E celebrated his first 4th of July!

We started out by stopping by the annual bbq that my boss throws.  We live in the same town, so it was close and easy to drop by.  E behaved beautifully, and ended up with quite the fan base there.

The next day, we decided to check out the carnival in town.  It's pretty substantial, and it was fun to imagine all the time we'll spend there in future years when E is bigger.  We didn't go on any of the rides, but we did eat our share of carnival food, and partake in the fair games. 

In addition to the rides and fair food, there's different competitions, parades, and fireworks.  We didn't stick around for the fireworks, but let's be honest, I'm not sure we would have done that even pre baby.  Maybe some day, but for now we rarely do anything after 4 pm. 

It's easy to see how holidays are going to take on new meaning and be a lot more fun now that we have a new member to our family.  I'm already dreaming of Halloween costumes for this fall and traditions we can start to implement.

Happy 4th!

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