Life With EFG

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Third Trimester: In Like a Lion

...out like a lamb?

A girl can hope, right?  Either way, I'm missing my second trimester easiness.  Suddenly the heartburn is here every day and will. not. go. away.  Things are sore and painful (omg so painful!), and I swear I'm getting bigger every day!  One day my jacket still zips fine, and two days later it's too small!   One day I can easily get my shoes on, and the next my belly seems to be getting in the way. 

There are days when my throat is burning so much all I want to eat all day is bread.  It should be interesting because the whole "heartburn = baby with hair" has been proven lately to be less myth and more fact.  Maybe our little bubbles will have as much hair as another little munchkin I know... 

I'm also so sick of tasting vomit in my mouth all day.  I almost long for the days when it was just stomach acid I was tasting.  I went from, "I don't know what people are talking about, I can still eat a full meal and feel fine" to "I had two bites of this muffin and even though I'm still starving, my stomach cannot, will not, hold any more food."  

I guess I'm just shocked at how quickly things changed over the past week or two.  I'm hoping that I'll adjust to this too.. or at least time will go by quickly?  In the meantime, at least I have a lot of fun packages showing up all the time with fun baby stuff!  If all else fails, it's time for distractions haha.

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