Life With EFG

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Expectation vs Reality

Expectation: The piece of furniture you ordered and scheduled for delivery on Monday, will be delivered on Monday.

Reality: You'll get a call from the delivery people saying they'll deliver on Monday.  Then they call you back and say, um they're not sure, but they'll get back to you.  Then they call back and say they absolutely will deliver on Monday.  They promise, pinky swear.  Then another call.  Oops, their mistake... they're not delivering on Monday after all... you're totally cool with changing all of your plans, right?

Expectation: The furniture will be delivered in the window of time they said it would be delivered in.

Reality: The three hour window of time passes completely with no sign of them.  They finally call two hours after the scheduled window and say they'll be there within an hour. 

Expectation: The delivery person will deliver the furniture to the area of the house where it belongs.  After all, why else would they require you to be home for delivery?

Reality: The delivery guy shouts at you from the driveway and asks if he can just leave it leaning against the garage.  The cranky pregnant woman who missed her nap waiting for the delivery person *politely* tells him he will be bringing the box inside the house. He doesn't bring it upstairs, but at least he leaves it inside the door. 

Expectation: Everything will be worth it, because by the end of the day the crib will be set up and the nursery will be ready for the baby.

Reality: One of the pieces is bent and cannot be screwed in correctly.  A new piece will be sent free of charge, but you'll have to wait for it to arrive before the crib can be completed.

In reality, it's not that bad.  We have most of the pieces and we'll get the final piece well before baby Spearson is due.  If anything, it just reinforced our desire to plan everything early and make sure we have everything we need, so we're not running around last minute.  I told Tom last night that current pregnant Caitlin is just a little bummed the crib isn't set up yet, but if this had been 38 weeks pregnant Caitlin, I'd probably be crying haha. 

So the nursery update will have to wait, but maybe I'll share some details of other fun things we've accumulated recently! 

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