Life With EFG

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Double the Sugar, Double the Fun

So fun fact: when you have to take the 3 hour glucose test, the drink you're given has apparently twice the sugar as the drink from the 1 hour test!  (Apparently that's what the 50/100 numbers mean).  Although besides it being a bit more bubbly than the previous one, I didn't notice much of a difference.  I chugged it as quickly as I had last time, and then followed it by a bunch of water.  It's really not the worst part of the test.

Neither is the 3 hour wait, if I'm being honest.  I read an entire Jodi Piccoult book during the test, so I was thoroughly entertained!  The nurses were even nice enough to let me sit in their staff lounge, which was a little bit nicer and quieter than the waiting room, and had a cold water dispenser as a bonus.  I was only alone in there for about half an hour before I was joined by another mom who was taking the same test.  I felt a little bad for her, though, since she had no idea what she was getting herself into.  Not only had she not brought any food to eat after (I had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple, a granola bar and apple sauce haha), but she also didn't have anything to entertain herself with.  She just ended up sleeping for most of it.

She also wasn't aware of how many times we needed to get our blood drawn.  I almost felt bad telling her!  Because the worst part of the test might be that you get your blood drawn 4 times.  And I'm someone who has no problem getting their blood drawn.  (Especially after I talked the nurses into giving me a different tape than the stuff they normally use which gives me a rash. Win!)  But after 4 pricks in 3 hours, your arms do get a little sore haha.  Poor things. 

Also not being able to eat is a pretty mean thing to do to a pregnant woman.  Although I wasn't as hungry as I was worried I'd be (must be all that sugar).  I did eat my sandwich before I even got to the T after the test.  I worked from home in the afternoon in case I felt sick afterwards, but I was actually okay.  I think the difference was that I kept eating throughout the day, and so I never really had to deal with the sugar crash.  

I did feel off a few times during the test, though.  A couple of times I felt like the drink was about to come back up, but there was no way I was going to taste that orange junk again by throwing it up, and then probably having to restart the test, so I focused all of my knowledge from being a frequently car sick kid at keeping that junk DOWN. 

Also about an hour or two in, I did start getting a headache like last time, but the nurses encouraged me to keep drinking cold water, which actually helped quite a bit.  I was a little worried for the other girl in the room with me, who didn't appear to drink anything in the three hour period.  I emptied my 32oz Nalgene twice! 

But all that matters in the end, is that my test results came back okay, which they did!  I officially do not have baby induced diabetes - yay!  I'm glad we know for sure and don't have to worry about it, but next time around, I'm going to make sure I pass that 1 hour test!

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