Life With EFG

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First Christmas

We did it! 

We survived our first Christmas with a tiny human!  And I think we did a pretty good job.  We decorated and hung lights and built a few traditions we hope to continue.  We opened presents and drank warm drinks (well not E), and most importantly, WE SAW SANTA!

I'll admit I wasn't as on this as I usually am with things.  I waited a little too long, and didn't know where to go.  I know there are non mall places that are quieter and maybe easier, but when I saw you could make reservations for the mall (even if we didn't end up using them because we figured out too late how they worked), we jumped on it.

I had no idea how it would go, so we left ourselves plenty of time and went with an open mind.  We also chose that day to let E sit in the stroller facing out, instead of staying in his carseat which clicks into the top of the stroller.  He was super excited he had so much to look at!  I'm pretty sure he liked it more than Santa, and of course this means that he can go to the grocery store with Tom and sit in the cart now too!

He did great with Santa, though.  Santa loved his T-Rex Christmas shirt, and E smiled for the camera, studied Santa's face, and was as well behaved as he is with any stranger.  I wasn't sure if the beard would throw him, but he was fine.  He's never found a stranger he didn't love, haha. 

E asked Santa for the ability to crawl, and while that didn't quite come true on Christmas (Santa brought him a few toys instead), Tom and I totally had our Christmas wish granted! E slept through the night!  Two nights and counting, he's only woken up once, for about 10 minutes, and has gone back to sleep without either of us having to get up.  YAY!  CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!! (Or very purposeful changing of everything we do related to sleep around here to make it easier for E to fall asleep... either or..)


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