Life With EFG

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Stretching Out the Holidays

Is November 7th too late to still be talking about Halloween?  

I can't remember the last time I've spent so much time talking about this holiday, but having a kid will do that to you I guess.  

It does make me really excited for the upcoming months.  E's also really enjoying looking at bright lights lately, so you know I'm already counting the days until I can put up Christmas lights.  He's going to freak out.  It's going to be amazing!

But until then, back to Halloween. 

As I mentioned before, Halloween was postponed in a lot of MA towns due to the wind storm we'd had.  So when Friday night came around, we were ready for round 2.  I grabbed E from his school and we headed to Nicole's to get some babies into costumes and make them take a million pictures.  

They were both pretty confused, and even more so when we brought them outside and started walking up to random houses to say hello.  I kept thinking E was asleep he was so still and quiet.  But nope, just taking it all in.  Or as much as he could because his hat kept falling down over his eyes, so I think he missed most of what was going on... 

Not that there was much to see.. we didn't stay out long, mostly just hitting neighbors we knew, and wanted to say hi to.  It was pretty much bedtime before the sun even set and most of the kids were out, but it was a good first year.  Next year is going to be soooo different! 

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