Life With EFG

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We have SNOW!

I wrote this a few days ago, and I'm still going to post it, although ironically now.  A few days of 50+ degree weather have indeed taken away ALL of our snow.  I was sure we finally had enough to stick, but nope, it's all gone! 

Although it's snowed a few times already this winter, I'm declaring this our first official snow storm of the new house.  Topping in at around 7 inches at our snow stake, I'm pretty sure this isn't going to disappear overnight like the rest of the show we've had this season so far. 

While I'm not a huge fan of snow, I will say that having a house makes me enjoy it a lot more than living in an apartment does.  I'm not sure Tom will agree with this, since he has the added task of shoveling, but just look how pretty it is! 

We've officially transitioned from the dead of fall, to the shimmery, blanket covered beauty of winter.  Suddenly we have snow covered trees to look at, and an entire yard filled with snow to play in.  Even if all I do is look at it from the warmth of our living room, I'll take it.  As an added bonus, the birds seem even more excited about our bird feeders now that everything else is fully covered.  

It also helps that it snowed over the weekend when no one really needed to get anywhere, and we were able to just stay home and enjoy it.  Of course no promises that I won't post something next week about how I'm sick of all this dirty annoying snow and it's slushy and everywhere and omg when is spring??? But for now, I'm enjoying it. 

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