Life With EFG

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Missing in Action


So I've been MIA for a bit huh? Where did December go? 

Well first we hosted a mini Colgate reunion.  One great thing about Christmas is that people who live far away come home for a few weeks and give us a chance to hang out.  Then there were more Christmas parties, and a trivia competitions (winning team over here! woot!), and we even found some time to take in Penny for service!

In between there was some traveling, driving here and there and back and then up again... sometimes with a not so happy kitten in the backseat, sometimes not.  If you've never taken a four hour drive with a caged, howling, quite unhappy kitten, you've gotten off easy haha.  She might not have liked the drive, but I swear she loves visiting her favorite sunhouse. Or maybe it's just the unlimited plants to eat.  Either way, by the time we got home she was so tired, I think she slept for three days.

Which honestly sounds amazing.  I mentioned to someone today that I could use a vacation.  And yes, I technically just got back from vacation, but seeing how I still haven't had time to unpack my suitcase, put away any of the bags that are sitting on the dining room table where I dropped them when I got back, or even had time to play with any of my new toys, I need a vacation!  It also doesn't help that I worked an 11 hour day on Saturday, an almost full day on Sunday (with a break only for church), and another full day today. 

Which all means that there's a lot of half done projects around here lately.  The tree is down, and the outside lights have been put away, but the mantel is still fully Christmasfied and the dish towels still have snowmen on them.  I'm sitting in the middle of a pile of random things that is making Tom twitch, but I've yet to find the time to bring them all to their respective rooms.  There's an overhead light sitting in the office waiting to be installed, a half painted wall upstairs that needs my attention, and in about half an hour, we have a consultant coming over to talk to us about starting another project!  But we have a new toilet seat!  Cross one project off the list!!

So I think in January my goal may be to take some time off of work and finish some projects.  Until then, judging cat is watching me!

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