Life With EFG

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Coming Soon

Okay, confession time.  We've been hiding something. 

Not well, because most of you know, but still not actively talking about it online anyway.  That's not to say I haven't been writing about it, because I have.  They're all just stored in draft form, and will slowly be shared with you over the coming weeks. 

But yes, we are pleased to announce that a tiny pair of converse sneakers is joining our family!

We're super excited, and busy preparing for what's to come.  If we've been slow to respond or MIA lately, now you know why.  (I've been sleeping). 

Also, because I'm trying not to go into baby overload everywhere else (facebook, instagram, every topic of conversation with friends and family, etc) this is probably where I'll end up sharing the most.  I'm completely aware that it's not everyone's thing, and that for some people it may be difficult to see and read all the time.  I get it, and it's totally okay. 

As for everyone else, we'll be sharing some things, not all things, so bear with us as we figure out what that is.  It's a new journey for us, that's for sure! 

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