Life With EFG

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Basement Update

There's a reason you're always supposed to get multiple quotes when you're having anyone do work on your house.  One of those reasons is, you never know when the first company you talk to is insane, even if they seem like the most well know and popular choice.  

Two weeks ago we had Brian from Total Basement Finishing/Black Dog Builders come by to look at our basement.  Brian's was a contractor, not just some creepy sales guy there to make us spend the most possible.  I told him from the beginning that Tom and I were numbers people, and that was what was going to be important to us. 

He got it immediately.  He showed us every single calculation that went into getting the total price, suggested ideas of where we could save money, and better yet, he was knowledgeable.  Like actually knew what he was doing.  It became quickly apparent that the sales guy from Owens Corning had lied to us at multiple points, most likely because he was trained poorly and just didn't know what the local code was.  

As an added bonus, Brian wasn't sleazy, and I actually enjoyed his company, and getting to know a bit about him and his family.  Not necessary, but appreciated nonetheless.  

The best part was when he showed us a printed, itemized quote with all the calculations we'd walked through with him, and the price was almost 30k LESS than our scrap paper price from Owens Corning.  And it was exactly what we were looking for, not a "eh, close enough" solution.

I think I'm in love.

And to reassure all the parents reading, we didn't cheap out and go with drywall or any other material that's not rated for basements.  We're still going with a basement specialized system made of inorganic materials that will not allow mold to grow, and are specifically made to be submerged in water (should that ever happen).  Look at us winning at adulting! 

 So that plus a trip to Ikea made for a pretty successful weekend.  Can't wait for the after pictures! (Likely not coming until April, but still... they're coming!!)

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