Life With EFG

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A Quiet Month

Is January the least liked month of the year?  Apologies to anyone with a January birthday, but honestly, it doesn't have much going for it.  It's dark, it's cold, and there's a big excitement letdown from the non stop holidays and fun we've had for the past two months.

It's also the busiest month of the year for me at work, which makes it even less enjoyable.  I've been debating taking a random day off to do some stuff around the house, or maybe just take a nap, but I feel like when 5:00 hits and it's dark out, I'll still feel like it's time for bed, and stop whatever I'm doing. 

All summer, I have no problem starting an adventure at 7pm, but when it's dark out all I want to do is hibernate and stay under a warm blanket!

That might be okay though.  As many projects as we have to get done, our spring is going to be busy and is already filling up quickly.  So for now I might enjoy the down time as much as I can... or I'll schedule a million projects that I'll never finish anyway haha.  We are going to ikea this weekend, so no promises!

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