Life With EFG

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One Year Later

A year ago today, I was waking up in a cabin in the woods of Vermont, looking out over Lake Champlain, and getting ready to help my best friend get married!

There are so many memories from that day - special moments that I'll remember for years to come. It was such a privilege to be Nicole and Stephen's maid of honor, and it's been so amazing to watch their love grow over the course of their relationship and now marriage. 

I remember having butterflies all weekend and being both excited and nostalgic - and I wasn't even the one getting married!  Tom picked on me most of the drive up to Vermont because I was becoming increasingly emotional as I kept thinking back over my 25+ year relationship with my best friend, and how happy I was for her.

Looking back on that day, there are so many moments that individually seem small and insignificant, but add up to a weekend of perfection and memories that will last a lifetime. 

The bug in Nicole's veil. Morning yoga in the living room.  Sending Tom for bagels and food.  Hiding in the car from guests at the inn.  Ben & Jerry's.  Final details in the horse barn.  Watching them twirl on the dance floor.  Mike's speech.  Looking out at all the love from the head table.  Photo booth. Sparklers. "OMG You're MARRIED!"

All this to say, Happy Anniversary Nicole and Stephen!  This past year has brought you two so many blessings.  As you settle into your first home and get ready for all the excitement and events ahead of you, I hope you continue to approach life and your marriage with equal parts wonder and joy.

We love you so much.

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