Life With EFG

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Shipping Up To Boston

Stumbled off the plane at LAX,
With a pen and calculator.
Welcome to the land of fame excess,
Am I gonna fit it?

Feet on the ground,
Here I am for the first time.
Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign.
This is all so crazy,
I haven't slept in daaaays

Miley Cyrus anyone?  I swear that song was stuck in my head for a few hours Sunday night.

I'm finally back, and although I would have stayed out there until the end of June if I could, I'm also happy to be home.

Here are some extremely fuzzy pictures of my tour of LA.  You can see the skyscrapers from the city, and then up in the mountains (I circled it in one of the pictures) was the Hollywood sign!  Yup, that white dot that looks like a smudge or a cloud (it was easier to see from the plane than it is in the picture).  But it's officially the closest I've been to it haha.  Of course all it really did was make me want to come back and actually visit.

Other than that I didn't actually get to see anything besides the Delta terminal of LAX (which seemed more like club than an airport terminal.  There was techno music BLASTING at 9:30pm.  Interesting.  Also it was probably the busiest airport I've ever seen.  Definitely a different feel than Sacramento, which was light and airy, with plenty of empty couches and tables, and very few actual people.

Oh and I also got my first and only glimpse of the Pacific Ocean! 

I landed in Boston at around 5am local time (which of course felt like 2am to me).  This trip taught me the happy lesson that I cannot sleep on red-eyes at. ALL.  So that was fun. I spent yesterday recovering and doing laundry, and today I'm feeling slightly more normal. 

Looking back at my photos, I did get some nice shots flying into the city.  We came in from the north and flew over Revere and the beach at Wonderland, and then I had a nice view of the city when I landed.

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