Life With EFG

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Jackie Got Married!

This past weekend we traveled to the very tip of Narragansett in Rhode Island to attend a wedding.  I don't think I've ever been there before, but it was super cute and right. on. the. beach!  It almost felt like a bit of mini vacation for us.  We were in the sand, just feet from the ocean, and it was a beautiful sunny day! (A bit too sunny - we both got a bit of a sunburn. Guess summer is hitting us a bit earlier than we were ready for!)

The ceremony was short, sweet, and the officiant was great.  She did communal vows, similar to what we did for our wedding.  Of course since it was on the beach, and a little less formal than ours was, she had everyone yelling and screaming their support, which was a great source of energy to begin a marriage.  Also super sweet was the laying of hands that was part of the ceremony.  I've only ever done this as part of a ordination for a new minister, but it was completely appropriate for a wedding ceremony too. 

After the ceremony, we were able to go inside for the reception, but everyone decided to stay outside on the beach instead.  It was such a beautiful view, no one wanted to leave it for the indoors. 

Besides being a beautiful day, it was also a great opportunity to hang out with a bunch of work people outside of the office.  Jackie and I have worked together for 10 years, and she'd already been there almost 10 years before I started, so she knows everyone.  And to know Jackie is to love Jackie.  There's seriously not a nicer, more genuine, more fun person to work with.  When I was making the decision to go back, the opportunity to work with her again was a big factor in my decision.

It was actually a little funny to look around the reception and see how many people in the crowd were from our company.  Counting both alumni and current co-workers, I would say we made up a good fifth of the wedding guests.  It made for a fun experience because even though we're only connected because of our jobs, we are a family of sorts, and we enjoy spending time with each other.  So it was great to catch up with former co-workers I haven't seen in a few months, and Tom enjoyed getting to know the crew a bit better as well. 

Overall it was a great day, and we're sending Jackie and Gayle all our wishes for wedded bliss and endless happiness! We love you both!!

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