Life With EFG

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Happy Birthday to ME!

31 Years old today!  Woo hoo!! To celebrate, let's look back to when I was a bit smaller and cuter haha. 

1989 - 4th birthday
Sesame Street and the world's best candy train cake made by Linzy's mom!  Special cameos by my grandparents too.

1991 - kindergarten, 6th birthday
I am absolutely sure that I requested both the ninja turtle birthday party, and the Leonardo cake (anyone remember our wedding cake toppers??) I was less excited by everyone singing to me.  Special cameos by Danielle (my godson's mom!), Norman (little brother of one of Raina's best friends) and Jake!

1992 - 1st grade, 7th birthday
The famous Where's Waldo birthday party!  This still makes me crack up every time I see it, and I remember having so much fun at this party.  We went on a scavenger hunt for Waldo stickers all through the yard.  Left to Right: Devin, me, Nicole, Heather, Renee, Linzy and Jake.

1993 - 2nd grade, 8th birthday
Can you guess what Disney movie was popular that year?  I guess it still is, because we'll be heading to NYC later this summer to see Aladdin on Broadway.  Let's ignore the weird bib dress I'm wearing, and focus instead on the fact that my bestie Nicole is by my side as always :) Also did anyone else notice the Lamb Chop table cloth?  Spoiler alert, I continued that theme for my 9th birthday haha.

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