Life With EFG

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Christmas Tree: 2016 Edition

So I've completely succeeded in convincing Tom that we should cut down a Christmas tree every year.  Unfortunately Massachusetts has been in a severe drought most of the year (remember our beautiful lawn?), which has impacted the local Christmas tree crop.  Apparently this is a serious issue that is going to impact our local Christmas trees for years to come... Most of the available trees around have been trucked in from other states, and all the trees at the cut your own places were small and half dead.

Still, we set off expecting to find the perfect tree.  We're nothing if not optimistic.  The first place we went to was super cute, but there wasn't a single tree over 4 feet available to cut down.  So instead we focused on the farm animals and other things to keep us entertained there.  We ended up buying a kissing ball from them, but then decided to move on and find another place.

(Don't ask about Tom's face in this next photo. I have no idea)

We were feeling a little deflated at that point, but we decided to try again.  We made the decision to go back to a farm that we actually kind of hate, but it was close to us, and we knew they had cut your own trees.  Honestly, the reason we hate this place is because it's kind of confusing and you really need to know what you're doing there, and we do not.  No joke, it took us asking 3 people where to go to get to the cut your own trees, multiple trips in the car and 3 different parking lots before we found it.  But we were determined, so we did it! 

Again the trees weren't great, but there were more of them. We set off hiking through the trees with the mutual understanding that we were not leaving without a tree.  No matter what it looked like, we were finding a tree.  It might not be the tree we imagined, but it would be the best tree in the lot! 

After some debate, we finally found it.  A bit skinny, a bit short, but not too dead!  Success! 

Tom began work to cut it down, and I think was very happy that we hadn't had our first snow of the season yet.  My job is to document the process, so Tom can adequately brag about it later. I also spent some time removing birds nests, pine cones, and other things we didn't need to bring inside our house. 

Also important, my annual "I'm totally helping with cutting down this tree" selfie:

One good thing about this farm?  They had someone willing to tie the tree to the top of our car for us!  Win!  We'll be honest - we suck at this part.  We at least came prepared this year with a blanket and bungee cords, but the guy was a pro and quickly secured the tree to Penny with his rope before we could even debate rope vs bungee cords. 

Overall, I think we made the best out of a not so great situation.  Our tree is super cute, and works for us.  However, I will admit one thing: it's still completely un-decorated.  It's been in its tree stand all week ready for us, and I'm sure we'll get there, but we've been a little late to the game this year!  (As you can probably tell by the fact that you still haven't received our Christmas cards!  They're coming!  Eventually...)

I might make a note on my calendar to start prepping for Christmas in October next year... 

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