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Not My America

I'm sick of hearing the excuses.  Don't try to claim you don't agree with the racist things Trump says, or try and convince me that he doesn't really mean those things.  Because the truth is, a vote for him was a vote of support for the hate he speaks.  And there are people in this country that are using that as an excuse to act out their truly racist ideals.  

The following are all compiled from various news outlets including CNN, twitter, personal accounts and local news sources.  This is obviously just a small sampling of what's been reported and verified, but I assure you these things are happening across the entire country.  

We did this, America.  We're responsible for letting this hatred become legitimized by electing a bully who outwardly supports this kind of discrimination.  It's now up to us to speak up and demand that things like this are not okay.

Maple Grove, Minnesota

Racist and pro-Trump graffiti shows up in high school bathroom on November 9th, the day after the election. 

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Two students from Babson College drove through the Wellesley College campus while waving a Trump flag and harassing black students. There are multiple videos and photos of the incident, even showing them spitting at a black student at one point. 

Bathroom graffiti in Maple Grove, Minnesota

Royal Oak, Michigan

Students began "Build the wall! Build the wall!" chants in the cafeteria on November 9th. 

Salt Lake City, Utah

Latinx students were reportedly targeted by white students saying things like "You wetbacks need to go back to Mexico" and "You get a free trip back to Mexico, you should be happy" 

North Carolina

A pro-Trump note was left on the car of an LGBTQ family saying "Can't wait until your 'marriage' is overturned by a real president. Gay families = burn in hell. Trump 2016."

Durham, North Carolina

"Black lives don't matter and neither does your votes" is painted on a public wall on November 9th

Graffiti in Durham, North Carolina

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

November 9th is also the anniversary (78 years this year) of Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass" when Nazis went through German towns smashing windows of buildings and stores owned by Jews.  On November 9, 2016, swastikas, "Seig Heil 2016" and "Trump" appeared on a storefront at the intersection of Broad and Wharton Streets.  A handful of cars and houses were also vandalized with "Trump Rules" and "Trump Rules Black [expletive]"

Redding, California

A student at Shasta High School passed out letters with "deportation" on the top to students of color and minorities.  

Jacksonville, Florida

On November 10th, signs labeled "Whites Only" and "Colored" were hung above two different water fountains at First Coast High School.

Left on a car in North Carolina

Dewitt, Michigan

Junior high students chanted racially charged phrases, including "Go back to Mexico" towards minority students, and locked arms to create a wall to attempt to prevent them from attending class.  

Center Vally, Pennsylvania

Students at Southern Lehigh High School have been using the N-word, shouting "Cotton Picker" and making Nazi salutes towards black classmates

Wellsville, New York

A swastika and the words "Make America White Again" were painted on a baseball dugout on November 9th. 

Graffiti in Wellsville, New York 

We really need to work together to make sure this is not the new America.  This is not okay.

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