Life With EFG

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Errands and Randoms

Sometimes you put off all the things that you need to do, and convince yourself that they're not THAT important.

And then all of a sudden you can't put them off any longer.  So today I sucked it up, and off I went to cross things off my list.  It actually made me feel a little more at home in our town too.  I made some stops that only the locals would go to. Like the library!  I finally got a library card for our local library.  It was pretty easy and everyone there was super nice and welcomed me to the neighborhood. 

I also went to the town hall and voted! I love this new law that allows for easy early voting.  It was low stress, there was no lines, and the best part is that the election is officially over for me!  I just wish I could find a way to get rid of all the political commercials and signs I see everywhere! 

I also went and got Penny a much needed bath.  I kind of love the car wash in our town.  For some reason, all of the soap they use is rainbow colored!  It makes a super pretty show as you go through.  Then as soon as the rainbow colors are washed away, there's a neon/black light effect that comes next.  It actually makes me want to go through the car wash more often, which I guess is the point.

So now that I've crossed so much off my list, I get to take a nap right? 

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