Life With EFG

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Hello, it's me.

I was wondering if after all these days you'd like a new blog post.
To recap everything.
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in Boston dreaming about vacations and weekends
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before year-end started.

Okay sorry, I'll stop with the Adele.  If it makes you feel any better, it will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day too.  Year-end work tends to make me a little loopy!

Sometimes you're just laughing too much to take a good picture!

As you might have guessed from the lack of blog posts, things got a little busy around here!  I drove from Boston to New Haven (VT) to Newport to Montpelier to Newport to Montpelier to Newport to Boston.  I saw 3 sisters, 2 nieces, 1 nephew and a godson in a pear tree.  (Actually he was inside his cousin's princess tent, but close enough).  There were 11 dogs, 3 cats and a bunny. 

And then after all of the Christmas and New Year's celebrations, comes the busiest time of year at work for me!  It involves working holidays and weekends and running around non stop.  My train was delayed this morning which meant I got to work a half an hour later than I planned to, which made me late for my 8:00 meeting and so I started off the day with chaos.  I didn't get to actually sit down at my desk and eat breakfast until 10:30, and even then I only had about 10 free minutes. Same goes for Tom.  Now that I think about it, not only have I not seen him today, I haven't even talked to him!  If I'm lucky, he might be home before I go to bed!

So things are busy, and they likely won't calm down too much in the next 6 months due to some upcoming challenges and adventures, but at the same time I'm determined to make 2016 a great year.   Happy New Year everyone!

How was your holiday?
Anything you're looking forward to in 2016?

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