Life With EFG

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Holy cow, there's only two days left of October!  Where did this month go?  I remember when the wedding was approaching, promising myself that I'd get so many things done once September was over.  Whelp there goes that idea.  Hello November! 


However, October has been a fun month.  I've managed to paint about a million pumpkins, the weather has been nicer which motivates me to walk home more often (and get in my steps to beat Nicole in our fitbit challenges whenever I can), and I even enjoyed a corn maze the other day! 


That being said, I'm probably going to pay for it in November.  The upcoming month is full of obligations and not-so-fun adult things that need to get done.  The annoying thing about adult things is that while you can put them off for a while, they almost always catch up to you.  At least we get an extra hour of sleep this weekend to start things off? (Don't forget to set your clocks back this weekend!)

Who says pumpkins are the official food of fall? 

Actually not doing that great with steps this week.. time to get moving!

Do you have annoying things you need to cross off your to-do list?  Do you have any fun plans for the upcoming month?

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